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The article explores the impact of AI on venture capital, enhancing decision-making and streamlining the fundraising process for startups.

June 17, 2024

In the early days of gaming, characters and scenarios were basic and repetitive. Today, AI is dramatically changing this landscape. Games are now starting to integrate characters that can “think”, react, and even learn from players' actions. This shift, however, is not just about creating smarter characters, but also about creating more realistic game environments.

Especially, when combined with Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), AI can take gaming to a whole new dimension. First endeavors are games like "Halo", where AI does not just control enemies, but adapts to the player's strategy. Further, with the introduction of neural interfaces, games can now be tailored to individual players, adjusting the storyline and challenges based on the player's decisions and reactions. These personalizations make every game session unique.

Enhancing Player Experience with AI

Remember the times when games had static backgrounds and predictable character movements? Those days are also becoming history, as AI-driven games adapt and evolve. Apart from games aiming to trigger “retro effects”, most games nowadays are aiming to create ever-changing environments for their users. For example, in "No Man's Sky", AI helps generate vast universes, ensuring that players always find new planets and species. Each planet has its own ecosystem, weather patterns, and challenges, all dynamically generated using AI algorithms. Hence, every exploration feels fresh and unpredictable.

Apart from the environment, also the characters are changing. In modern games, characters are powered by AI to have their own personalities and memories. In "Red Dead Redemption 2" for instance, if you help an NPC (Non-Playable Character) in one part of the game, they might return later to aid or thank you. These characters do not just follow a script; they react to the world around them. If it starts raining, they'll seek shelter. If they hear a gunshot, they'll react with fear or curiosity. This dynamic interaction makes players feel more connected to the game world. Their actions have lasting consequences, making gameplay more engaging and rewarding. It's like the game is listening and responding to the player, creating a two-way conversation between the player and the world he is creating through his actions.

One example of how these two-way conversations might look like ist presented by Nvidia. With NVIDIA's ACE, characters can be designed to have natural conversations with players, making the game world feel even more alive. Here, depending on the input of the player, the NPC character will provide answers that were not predefined but generated based on the inputs given. This means that NPCs will be able to actually “understand” player inputs, express emotions, and provide tailored answers.

Apart from character interaction, AI can also assist in designing levels by generating realistic terrains and even composing music. For instance, the background music of a game could adapt to each action of a player - not based on predefined triggers, but composed in real-time by an AI.

These possibilities and more to come put developers in a unique position. They have the chance to create games with a level of interaction that has never been done before. Therefore, they can even use AI to handle repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus on storytelling, character development, and creating memorable gaming experiences.

Besides traditional gaming

While it is understandable that traditional gaming is not a topic interesting to everyone, the recent developments described can have a positive impact far beyond the traditional gaming sector. Think about the integration of “NPCs” that are able to react to the input given and the development of the user in an educational setting. Like the first games for PCs in the 90s, AI-enhanced education software/games could positively enhance the way we learn and experience things. Imagine walking through a virtually created world in the times of the French Revolution with an NPC that can answer your questions on historical facts and figures herein or float through a simulation of the blood circulation to better understand the processes taking place.

The opportunities to leverage AI improvements in games are manifold, hence it is up to us to explore and foster them.

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