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The future is now - what to expect from AI in 2024

June 17, 2024

As we step into the new year, we at Innovative AI want to wish our readers a successful and healthy year 2024.In this week's newsletter, we want to take a look at what developments in and around AI we expect to happen in the year ahead. From groundbreaking advancements to ethical debates, we believe that 2024 promises to become of of the most significant years in the field of AI (so far).

What we expect:

1. The Rise of Generative AI and Its Implications

Generative AI, particularly in the form of large language models (LLMs) and multimodal AI, has seen significant advancements. We see this trend accelerating in 2024, with these technologies becoming more embedded in various sectors, including healthcare, finance, retail, and manufacturing. The integration of AI in platforms solving real-world problems, rather than standalone tools, will be a key focus. However, this also raises concerns about the proliferation of deepfakes, especially in the context of significant events like elections (USA and further), necessitating vigilant countermeasures and public awareness.

For more insights on AI in the healthcare sector have a look at our innovative AI shorts as well as at one of the Innovative AI September editions: The Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare Industry

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2. Legal and Ethical Debates Intensify

The legal landscape surrounding AI will become more complex. Issues like copyright infringement by AI, particularly in the case of generative AI using data without explicit consent, will lead to significant legal battles. The outcomes of these cases could set precedents for copyright laws in the AI era. Additionally, the concentration of AI development in the hands of a few powerful companies (will) raise concerns about digital rights and the need for equitable AI governance.

3. AI in Business and Industry

AI's role in business is expected to grow, with companies increasingly adopting AI for a range of applications, from customer service to product development. The use of AI in creating more personalized and efficient consumer experiences will be paramount. Moreover, industries are likely to leverage AI for more efficient operations, predictive maintenance, and innovation in product design and service delivery.

For more insights into how to develop your own enterprise AI application - have a look at our entAIngine platform.

4. Technological Advancements and Challenges

Technological advancements in AI, such as improvements in LLMs and the emergence of Large Graphical Models (LGMs), will continue. These advancements will enable more accurate and efficient processing of complex data sets. However, challenges like the potential shortage of GPUs, crucial for AI processing, could impede progress and spur innovation in alternative hardware solutions.

5. Regulatory Landscape and AI Governance

The regulatory landscape for AI is becoming more defined, with regions like the EU leading in comprehensive AI policies. The U.S. is also expected to see progress in AI regulation, though major legislation might be slow due to political dynamics. These regulations will shape how AI is developed and used, emphasizing safety, security, and ethical considerations.

For more information on the current status of AI regulation have a look at our recent newsletter publication: The New Era of AI Regulation: Exploring the EU's AI Act and Biden's Executive Order

6. Societal Impact and Public Discourse

The societal impact of AI, particularly on jobs and privacy, will be a topic of intense public discourse. AI's role in augmenting white-collar jobs and its implications for the workforce will be closely examined. Public understanding and engagement in AI-related issues, such as privacy and data security, will be crucial.

7. AI in Creative and Academic Fields

AI's impact on creative fields like film and music, and its role in academic research, will evolve. Issues of authorship, creativity, and the use of AI in producing academic content will be highly discussed with academia needing to accept the need to change the ways they are operating - we see huge potential in tailored AI applications here that will researchers to work more efficiently along with breakthroughs in various areas of research (especially in healthcare).

8. Advancements in AI-Powered Image and Video Generation

2024 will witness significant improvements and heightened competition in the field of AI-powered image and video generation, experiencing rapid advancements in technology, leading to more sophisticated and realistic image and video synthesis. The ability of AI to generate high-quality visual content will not only enhance (revolutionize) creative industries like film, advertising, and gaming but also open up new possibilities in sectors such as education and training - think of (more) realistic simulations.

Eventually, we assume that AI will become more integrated into various aspects of society and industry, driving innovation and efficiency. However, this will be accompanied by significant challenges in legal, ethical, and regulatory domains. The balance between leveraging AI's capabilities and addressing its potential risks will be a key theme in 2024 and throughout - with legislation having to balance the innovative progress (economic strengths of its tech companies) against risks of data privacy and security.

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